What exercises are best for programmers who sit all day?

With most experts agreeing that sitting for long periods is dangerous for a person’s health, it means a potential brand new long-term health risk for programmers. Fortunately, there are plenty of exercises are best for programmers who sit all day. But, the great news is that you’re able to counteract these negative effects if you add exercise to your routine. It’s a wise idea to take breaks throughout the day and make exercise a part of your routine. You have plenty of good options to incorporate movement in your daily routine to counteract these negative effects. Here are some great examples of exercises that you can do throughout the day without having to leave your home or travel very far!


This is a simple exercise that you can do on the floor, and it allows you to regain strength in your whole body. Even if you have only a little bit of time, a quick planking exercise can stretch your muscles. All you need to do is hold a push-up position for a specific length of time, such as 30-60 seconds. It’s an exercise which is targeted at your core muscles in the lower back. Planking is also able to help you build strength in your biceps since you’re using these muscles to lift yourself off the ground.


Do you get breaks throughout your workday? If so, then it’s a great opportunity for you to get outside and walk. First and foremost, you’re going to experience nature and fresh air when you walk outside! This is definitely a huge mood booster. On the other hand, walking benefits your cardiovascular system. It also burns calories, and even a little bit of walking per day reduces your risk of a major cardiac event. For even better results, try a jog or a run for additional calorie burn.



This is an exercise which is beneficial if you are extremely busy. Stretching even for 20-30 seconds periodically throughout the day can have an enormous benefit to your body to counteract the benefits of sitting. As an added plus, you’ll improve your mood on top of the increased strength and greater flexibility which you’ll gain from regular stretching.  



Although not a home exercise, it’s still one that you don’t have to be a gym member to do. Cycling is an exercise which is common among software developers. It allows you to have the opportunity to get outside. If you need to run errands which are close by, then consider pedaling to them instead of driving your vehicle. This is a great cardiovascular exercise that will also save you a little bit of money on gas. Every minute on a bicycle burns about 5 calories according to this calculator.


Jump rope

Thought this was just for elementary school kids? This is a fun exercise that you can do in just minutes every day. Jumping rope is a great exercise for burning about 600-800 calories per hour, depending on the level of intensity. It’s a fun exercise that’s simple to do and is great for losing weight. You don’t need to do the entire hour of jump rope at once. Jump rope also helps to strengthen your leg muscles.


Are adjustable versus fixed-weighted dumbbells better for a home gym set-up

Are adjustable versus fixed-weighted dumbbells better for a home gym set-up? You’re probably most familiar with the ones which you have seen before which are a specific weight – such as a 10 pound or 50 pounds. But, there is another option as well – adjustable weight dumbbells. As the name implies, adjustable – meaning that you can change the weight setting on them. You can have multiple weights in one with these adjustable dumbbells.

How Do They Work?

They are almost similar to barbells, except they are hand-sized. They allow you to add or remove individual weight plates to them. Typically, adjustable weight dumbbells have a dial setting on them for you to use in order to adjust their weight. When you turn the dial, you’re able to adjust the weight to be at the setting of your choice. You would use them as you would use any other piece of exercise equipment at home.

How are adjustable dumbbells different from fixed-weight dumbbells?

Fundamentally, they are the same piece of equipment. They are both really easy to use, but the biggest difference (in terms of usability) is that fixed-weight dumbbells are a single (whole) piece of equipment. With adjustable weight dumbbells, there are multiple plates which comprise these. Ultimately, what this means is that adjustable weight dumbbells are not typically as portable as fixed-weight dumbbells but these do offer several benefits.

What are the benefits of an adjustable versus Fixed-Weight Dumbbell?

They are no different than any other dumbbell. With these weights being adjustable, you’re able to change the setting on them in order to choose the amount of weight to lift. Regular dumbbells are set to a pre-set amount. If you would like to have the benefit of multiple weights available in a single weight, then an adjustable weight dumbbell is a great choice! 

What is the Range of an adjustable versus fixed-weight dumbbell?

The great thing about owning an adjustable dumbbell is that these come in a wide range of weights. Some offer higher weight ranges than others, but many can go up to 80 pounds. This means that as you gain in endurance and strength, you’re able to increase the weight of the dumbbells which you are using for your exercises. With single weight dumbbells, you would need to own several of these in order to accomplish the same thing.


Adjustable weight dumbbells are more costly than single-weight ones.  However, you would only need to own one or two of these to cover a wide range of exercises which you’re looking to do – versus several single-weight dumbbells. A complete set of high-quality ones will cost hundreds of dollars. As you increase the amount of weight which you add to your dumbbells, the cost of these will increase as well.

Bottom Line

Are adjustable versus fixed-weighted dumbbells better for a home gym set-up Adjustable weight dumbbells can be a great choice, especially for a home gym. Dumbbells are always a great choice for many upper-body exercises. If you have limited space at home, then you should definitely consider adding these to your home fitness equipment collection. If you’re looking for a whole-body workout, you may also want to consider adding resistance bands as well. 

What should I consider when buying resistance bands online?

should consider before buying resistance bands online

Resistance bands are an essential part of a good workout, but there are many things that you should consider before buying resistance bands online! If you’re planning to buy these online, remember that there are plenty of great choices for exercises which you can do with these. However, not all resistance bands are created equally. Here are a few things to keep in mind when shopping for the best resistance bands to buy.

What style of resistance bands do you prefer?

There are two styles: Cable style and loop style resistance bands. Cable style resistance bands have a handle on either end for you to hold onto while you’re exercising. Loop resistance bands are in a circular loop but are a rubber shape – you’ll hold on to either end of the band while you’re using this style. If you’re planning to wrap the bands around your back, you might prefer the loop style bands as they may be more comfortable for you to use. On the other hand, cable style bands are great for doing ab and hamstring exercises.

How much weight would you like to simulate?

 Resistance bands are able to simulate weight, and not all of them are created equally. Some resistance bands are able to simulate the equivalent of 600 pounds, while others are able to simulate 30 pounds. These bands are color-coded, depending on the manufacturer’s specifications. This is a huge benefit of using resistance bands – you’re able to simulate a lot of weight without having to lift and store heavy weights. You’ll want to check with the manufacturer for more information on the weight that the bands are able to simulate.

What do you plan to use them for?

There are a multitude of resistance band exercises which you’re able to do. You might be planning to do hamstring exercises, or you might be planning to use them for your arms. These uses make resistance bands a fantastic form of whole-body exercise. They can also be incorporated with crunch exercises or even leg exercises.

Resistance bands are a critical part of any home exercise routine. You should definitely incorporate these items into your fitness habit. On top of that, you’re able to take these resistance bands with you on the go. Furthermore, another huge benefit to using these is that they take up very little room in your home. Once you get a pair of resistance bands, you’ll be able to turbocharge your fitness routine.

How can we do bicep exercises at home without dumbbells and barbells

bicep exercises at home without dumbbells and barbells

No equipment, no worries – we can do bicep exercises at home without dumbbells and barbells. If you want to have a nice physique, remember that your biceps are those arm muscles. Luckily, you don’t need equipment to exercise them. We just need to be creative on how we exercise these muscles. Here are a few simple ideas for ways to exercise these muscles without having weights on hand. 

Resistance Bands – The Best Bicep Exercises at Home Without Dumbbells and Barbells!

If you are willing to invest a little bit of money into equipment, Resistance Bands are able to simulate weights. They can be incorporated into a whole body workout! Most likely, you haven’t bought any exercise equipment yet because you’re worried about space constraints. If you have concerns about storage, then resistance bands are perfect! Resistance bands are also super easy to use, meaning that you can do a few bicep stretches with regular arm movements.


Push-ups are great for your bicep muscles as these exercises are able to target this muscle group! This exercise requires a lot of back-and-forth motion, and they also allow you to exercise other parts of your body including your back and scapula. These are easy – just have your hands flat and feet straight, and use your arms to push your body up!

Lifting Heavy Things!

There’s a good chance that you have something heavy around your home that’s fairly easy to pick up! You don’t always need dumbbells and barbells to get the benefit of lifting weights. When you lift heavy things, you’re still doing the same work! A full milk jug can weigh 8 or 9 pounds – not a ton of weight that you are accustomed to. Heavy books can also be a great substitute for dumbbells and barbells!


This is something which you probably won’t be able to do at home. If there is a park nearby, use a sturdy metal bar at the park in order to do pull-ups. These can be challenging to do at first, but these are great exercises for your biceps. They also help to work other muscle groups in your body as well in addition to your biceps. 

Remember that resistance bands are great exercises! Add resistance bands to your exercise routine for maximum impact

Best at home exercise equipment when you’re on the third floor

Best at home exercise equipment when you’re on the third floor

Looking for your choices for the best home exercise equipment when you’re on the third floor? We completely understand how challenging this can be. Being on the third floor of an apartment complex presents a wide range of challenges when you’re exercising at home! The most important thing to keep in mind is that you’ll want to be respectful of your neighbors below you. 

But, that doesn’t mean that you can’t exercise at home – it just means that you’ll have to do your exercise routine a little bit differently. Here are some great choices for home exercise equipment that don’t make any noise, and are great whether you’re on the first floor, the third floor or even live in a home by yourself with no neighbors for miles. 

Resistance bands are the Best at home exercise equipment when you’re on the third floor

These make practically no noise, are portable, and can be used for a wide range of exercises. These are perfect for whole-body exercises. People have used resistance band exercises for shoulder rehab as well as general day-to-day stretching. If you don’t have weights, then resistance bands are perfect for you to use. Resistance bands are able to simulate various weights – meaning that you’re able to get the same benefit of weights even if you are on the go! These are also fairly safely noise-free.


You’ll have to be careful with these handheld weights to ensure you’re holding on to them with enough strength. However, kettlebells are perfect for a core exercise. They are fantastic choice even for a beginner. Portability may be a challenge, but kettlebells are definitely a must-have piece of equipment. Just don’t slam them down on the floor too loudly or lose your grip. Kettlebell exercises are able to work the whole body from the arms to the core and even the leg muscles. Kettlebell swings are easy to do for beginners!

Exercise ball

An exercise ball can be a lot of fun to use.  They require a little bit of storage space, but they are also fun to use and are lightweight! They’re great core exercises that allow you to stretch your back, leg, and abdominal muscles. Because they are lightweight, they are also able to travel with you anywhere! This is a definite must-have if you’re looking to add a bit of fun to your exercise.

Exercise/yoga mat

A yoga mat is a great choice for ensuring that your exercise routine is as comfortable as possible. There’s plenty of great floor exercises that you can do, but the challenge is that doing these exercises on the floor are often uncomfortable. Planks, stretches, and other floor-based exercises are some of the most powerful for your upper and lower body. An exercise mat is a great way to add a little bit of padding to those uncomfortable floors! The great thing about an exercise mat is it can also travel with you wherever you might go.


Dumbbells don’t take up much room, and are often very portable.These are the classic weights which allow you to build your arm muscles up! They’re great for building up the chest, back and other muscle groups in the upper body. They come in a wide range of weights, and they don’t take up much room at all. You’re also able to do these dumbbell exercises while you’re sitting on the couch!

As you can see, exercising at home doesn’t mean that you have to disturb your neighbors or those around you. It also means that you don’t have to make significant alterations to your day-to-day life. It just means that you’ll have to be a bit more creative with your routine and the types of equipment that you buy to do your exercise routine!

Does planking help you lose weight?

Does planking help you lose weight?

If you’ve ever heard of planking exercises, there’s a good chance you’re asking yourself: Does planking help you lose weight? Are you looking for a whole-body workout that you can do at home that burns calories and strengthens muscles at the same time? Planking is your best bet! Planking is a whole-body workout that’s able to help you sculpt an impressive physique. It’s able to strengthen your core, muscles and arms. What’s also fantastic about planking is that it’s something you can easily do without any equipment, right on your floor.

Does planking help you lose weight – Planking burns calories

The amount of calories burned by planking varies from person to person based on weight. On average, planking exercises help you burn calories at a rate of 2 to 5 per minute. It’s not a lot compared to other cardiovascular exercises such as running which burns 11.4 calories per minute. But, the benefits of planking go beyond burning calories, as planking exercises are demonstrated to provide other benefits besides burning calories for strength.

Planking is great for posture

Planking is a great exercise for improving your posture. You’ll want to keep your spinal column aligned as straight as possible. If you do so, the reason is that planking (with its upright movements) is able to stabilize your spinal column. Therefore, many people see an improved posture with this form of exercise because you’re holding your back straight the entire time.

Does planking help you lose weight – Planking Targets Your Abs / Core

A stronger core is one of the biggest reasons why most consider planking exercises. Planking is a perfect ab exercise. You’re using your core muscles to support your body when you plank. Studies which measure core activation measure EMG (Electrical) activity in your core muscles. Planking has been demonstrated to increase electrical activity in your core muscles. A weaker core is linked to lower back pain, and planking is one of the easiest ways to strengthen your core muscle

Planking is a safer alternative to sit-ups for your core. Many have suggested that sit-ups have a higher risk for injury. Even the US Military is choosing to phase out sit-ups in favor of planking exercises.

How to Plank

Planking is an extremely simple exercise. The easiest way to do it is to take on a push-up position and hold it for a period of time. The challenge is that this is going to be very uncomfortable at first. You’re going to have to build your tolerance up to this form of exercise. Begin with 30 seconds, go up to a minute and keep making incremental progress on a daily basis. Eventually, you’ll build up endurance to where you can plank for longer! The great thing about planking is that it’s something which you don’t have to do every single day.

Planking is a great exercise for beginners. It’s something you can do at home without any equipment. You’ll have to build up tolerance to this exercise. To begin with, you might only be able to do a few seconds of planking. As you progress in your ability, you’ll be able to gain more strength and therefore more endurance meaning you’ll be able to plank for longer.

Why does my belly hang when I do planking exercise?

Why does my belly hang when I do planking exercise?

Why does my belly hang when I do planking exercise

Planking is a great exercise that can help to tighten your belly. These exercises aren’t fun when you first get started doing them. But, they are powerful whole-body exercises that can tone and tighten your core. They’re great for your whole body and your mind. 

What is planking

Planking is a simple exercise where you’re supporting your body weight with your arms. Most often, it’s essentially holding a pushup position. It’s a whole-body exercise that builds up strength in your arms, back, legs, and core. However, this exercise is especially targeted at your core as the Navy plans to replace sit-ups with planking exercises.

Why does my belly hang when you do planking exercises?

You have organs in your stomach. The reason is because of gravity (of course!) Everything in your stomach tends to go downward when your body is elevated off the ground. Fortunately, this does not pose any risk to your safety. However, it is advisable that you keep your back straight while performing this exercise to prevent injury. 

Why are planks great exercises?

Planks are great exercises for a number of reasons! The most important reason why people do planking exercises is that they are great for your core. Planking was used as part of a physical therapy routine in one case for a distance runner who was suffering from severe hip pain. After a 8-day exercise routine which included planking, she was able to return to her normal running routine pain free.

Consider making planking exercises a part of your regular exercise routine. This is a great way to build your core strength up, and a simple exercise to do. It has a low-risk of injury and is great for your whole body.

If Russian Twists are bad for your back why aren’t hanging windshield wipers

If Russian Twists are bad for your back why aren't hanging windshield wipers

Many people doing abdominal muscles often compare the safety risk of one over the other, thinking if russian twists are bad for your back, why aren’t hanging windshield wipers? Fortunately, it’s possible to build your abdominal muscles while avoiding potential back injuries in the future. For that reason, many often compare one form of exercise to another in order to determine safety and efficacy.

What are Russian twists?

Russian twists are a common sitting exercise. While sitting, this is where you lift your feet off the floor and pass a weight from one side of your body to the other. This is not an easy exercise, but it’s not something that’s too difficult to do. You’re moving your body in a twisting motion, which is why it’s called a twist. 

What are hanging windshield wipers?

This is a very difficult exercise that you can’t do at home. It requires you to hang vertically from a bar,a nd swing your legs from left to right. Furthermore, this exercise requires you to orient your legs in a way that they are parallel to the floor. Imagine making your legs look like a windshield wiper on an automobile. This is also an advanced exercise that may not be a great idea for beginners due to its high risks of injury. Part of the reason why this exercise carries a lower risk of an injury is because people doing this exercise may have more experience!

Risk of a Back Injury From Russian Twists

Many online writers suggest that Russian twist exercises are dangerous due to a risk of compression. One athletic therapy journal article from 2008 indicates that the Russian Twist exercise is a great advanced core exercise. Another study mentions an older golfer who used russian twists as part of an exercise routine as a way to help improve core strength. 

It’s clear that russian twists are a form of exercise which are well-documented to produce great results. However, this doesn’t mean that this form of exercise does not come without the chance of an injury. A trainer was quoted in Men’s Health suggesting that the exercise places a lot of pressure on the spine. It’s certainly true that a rotational position with the exercise is very likely to cause an injury. In most cases, the recommendation is to avoid the exercise due to the spinal pressure. This is especially important to consider if you’re new to exercise.


Ultimately, both Russian twists and hanging windshield wipers are core exercises. They’re designed to target the muscles in your abdomen. Fortunately, you can still work these muscles with a much lower risk of an injury. You might consider planking! This might be a slightly uncomfortable exercise at first, but you’re able to build the same core muscles that you would build with a Russian twist!


There have been studies which have shown the benefits of Russian twist exercises. But, there’s also plenty of evidence which suggests that the exercises are dangerous. Therefore, you may want to reconsider these, especially since there are other great options that are able to work the same muscle groups.

What muscles the fire hydrant exercise can work

What muscles the fire hydrant exercise can work

If you’re looking to get the most out of your workouts, you’ll definitely want to consider what muscles the fire hydrant exercise can work. The fire hydrant is a name for a very intense hip exercise. Not only does this type of exercise (in combination with other forms of exercise) help to strengthen your hips, this form of exercise also has several benefits for many other parts of your body, including through improvements to your weight and overall BMI. So, fire hydrants are not just for the muscles, but for your body as a whole. 

What are fire hydrants?

This is a leg exercise which is commonly a part of a Pilates routine. It’s also fairly simple. All you’ll need to do is kneel down on your hands and knees. With both knees on the floor, you’ll move your legs to either the right or the left in a kicking motion. As you can see, these are fairly simple and easy to do. 

How Do You Do These Safely?

The most important thing to remember is that you won’t want to create unnecessary pressure on your spine. Be sure to keep your spinal column and back straight, as the unnecessary pressure over a long period of time can eventually lead to back pain. Research is well-documented that improper spinal column movements can cause spinal cord injuries.

What muscles the fire hydrant exercise can work

The fire hydrant exercise specifically targets the gluteus maximus muscles. A study worked with individuals suffering from joint dysfunctions as well as pain. Over 10 sessions, a study working with individuals suffering from a joint dysfunction demonstrated improvements in muscle strength and a decrease in pain. 

Wrap Up

Fire hydrant exercises, if done safely, can be a great way to build your lower muscle strength. They don’t require any additional equipment, and can certainly be done at home. Just remember to keep your back aligned straight.

What is the best home gym equipment for losing belly fat

What is the best home gym equipment for losing belly fat

Exercising at home, and want to know what is the best home gym equipment for losing belly fat for you to buy? The good news for you is that you’re able to burn belly fat – even if you’re exercising at home. Not all exercise equipment is created equally for burning fat; but each type of equipment has its advantages and disadvantages. Here are a few suggestions to help you get started with building your home gym.

1. Kettlebells are the best home gym equipment for losing belly fat

Kettlebell swings are powerful exercises. This is ultimately a full-body exercise, as these weights can help you build your core strength up. The benefits extend all the way down from your arms, core, and your legs. Furthermore, kettlebells don’t take up too much room. They’re not very portable, but kettlebell exercises are great exercises that you can do at home.

2. Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are a great piece of equipment to have because they can travel with you wherever you go. They create additional “resistance” on your muscles, and can be used for a full-body workout without having to have a lot of big, heavy weights on hand. They’re super light, and great for your workout. Resistance bands come in varying levels of tension, meaning you’re able to buy ones which are able to require more strength.

3. High Quality Shoes

Running / biking / jogging is a great way to burn extra calories. These activities can take you out of your home environment, boosting your mental and emotional health. Therefore, you’ll want to have a great set of running shoes on hand. Look for a sturdy, comfortable pair that are reasonably-priced. 

4. Yoga Mat

Yoga is a powerful exercise that is relaxing and allows you to use many different muscles in your body. A yoga mat is a great thing to have on hand as it makes for more comfortable stretching as opposed to a hard floor. Yoga mats are easily rolled up, and are also very portable. 

5. Jump Rope

This exercise isn’t just for schoolchildren. If you’re looking for a quick exercise that’s fun and burns a lot of calories, jumping rope can be another great choice. A jump rope is very portable, and can be stored nearly anywhere. It’s able to help build leg muscles and burn calories at the same time, plus exercise will feel a lot less like work and a lot more like play.

As you can see, home exercise equipment doesn’t need to be expensive or take up a lot of room. With a few simple pieces of equipment, you’re able to have access to some very powerful home workouts that you can do virtually at any time. Furthermore, if you travel a lot, you can also take many of these pieces of equipment with you wherever you go.