What muscles the fire hydrant exercise can work

What muscles the fire hydrant exercise can work

If you’re looking to get the most out of your workouts, you’ll definitely want to consider what muscles the fire hydrant exercise can work. The fire hydrant is a name for a very intense hip exercise. Not only does this type of exercise (in combination with other forms of exercise) help to strengthen your hips, this form of exercise also has several benefits for many other parts of your body, including through improvements to your weight and overall BMI. So, fire hydrants are not just for the muscles, but for your body as a whole. 

What are fire hydrants?

This is a leg exercise which is commonly a part of a Pilates routine. It’s also fairly simple. All you’ll need to do is kneel down on your hands and knees. With both knees on the floor, you’ll move your legs to either the right or the left in a kicking motion. As you can see, these are fairly simple and easy to do. 

How Do You Do These Safely?

The most important thing to remember is that you won’t want to create unnecessary pressure on your spine. Be sure to keep your spinal column and back straight, as the unnecessary pressure over a long period of time can eventually lead to back pain. Research is well-documented that improper spinal column movements can cause spinal cord injuries.

What muscles the fire hydrant exercise can work

The fire hydrant exercise specifically targets the gluteus maximus muscles. A study worked with individuals suffering from joint dysfunctions as well as pain. Over 10 sessions, a study working with individuals suffering from a joint dysfunction demonstrated improvements in muscle strength and a decrease in pain. 

Wrap Up

Fire hydrant exercises, if done safely, can be a great way to build your lower muscle strength. They don’t require any additional equipment, and can certainly be done at home. Just remember to keep your back aligned straight.