
Tips For Yoga at Home

Can a 10-minute speed yoga transition torch as much fat as Tabata or HIIT?

Can a 10-minute speed yoga transition torch as much fat as Tabata or HIIT?

Can a 10-minute speed yoga transition torch as much fat as Tabata or HIIT? High speed yoga is as the name suggests – doing standard yoga poses at a higher speed. These poses also tend to be more intense than regular yoga poses. It’s an intense experience that is designed to push the limits of the body. You’ll be doing a lot more breathing in and out with speed yoga transitions than you would normally do with a regular yoga pose.

Tabata is different from power yoga because it’s a form of exercise focusing on short intervals. It’s designed to produce elevated heart rates for short periods. HIIT is very similar because it is another form of exercise that focuses on intense intervals of physical activity. 

10 minutes of yoga can be a great mood booster, and a great way to start your day. Especially with speed yoga, it’s a great way to get into motion for the day. Tabata, HIIT, and speed yoga are all popular forms of exercise. Any form of movement is always great for your health!

How is fat burned?

Your body consumes fat through a biochemical process. Your body consumes stored fat as energy to perform tasks. You’re always consuming calories, even while sitting. Exercise is the fastest way to consume excess calories that are not needed. Fat leaves the body through sweat and carbon dioxide while you exercise. That’s why it’s recommended to exercise frequently when you’re attempting to lose weight.

When carbohydrates and other fats are consumed, the bloodstream transports these fat molecules throughout the rest of the body. Enzymes break the stored fat molecules down to be used later on during exercise. Fat is burned, and energy is produced! What’s most relevant is that the more you breathe or sweat, the more you’ll burn!

The Verdict

All forms of physical activity are great! Based on the Compendium of Physical Activities, Power Yoga consumes approximately 4 times the number of calories that you would burn from sitting. HIIT and other high-intensity workouts consume 4.3 times the number of calories that you would burn from sitting. There is somewhat of a greater additional calorie burn rate for High-Intensity Interval Training and other intense exercises, but the calorie burn rates are very similar based on the data! 

What is a good yoga routine for beginners?

good yoga routine for beginners

Finding a good yoga routine for beginners is very difficult, especially if you are not naturally flexible. The great thing about Yoga is that it’s an exercise that can be done without any equipment. To get started in yoga, all you need is a mat. Much of what’s important to yoga is knowledge of what to do. The challenge to yoga is that if you’re not careful, you can easily injure yourself in the process. It’s better to start off simple and gradually advance your level of difficulty over time as you grow in your skillset.

What Is Yoga?

Yoga is based on a series of poses. The idea is that you’re holding your body in a stretch position for a specific period of time. Many people do yoga because they find it to be beneficial for their flexibility. Others enjoy yoga because they like the relaxation that yoga provides. The idea is to live in union with nature.

How Long Should My Sessions Last?

Generally speaking, you should practice it for as long as you feel comfortable with doing it. Some people may only feel comfortable doing it for 20 minutes, others may be able to do yoga for an hour or more. If you begin to feel uncomfortable during your yoga session, then if you try to push yourself too hard you risk an injury. A busy schedule can also make it very difficult for you to do any form of exercise. Remember that any amount of physical exercise can have a significant benefit to your overall health and wellbeing. 

Good Yoga Routine For Beginners – #1 – Tadasana

The Tadasana pose is a great pose because it is simply focused on stretching your body in a standing position. It’s relaxing, and a great way to gain additional focus and relax various muscles in your body. The objective is keeping your body in alignment, and it’s relatively painless.

Good Yoga Routine For Beginners – #2 – Vrikshasana

This pose is great for improving balance, although it’s slightly more difficult than the Tadasana pose. Through the Vrikshasana pose, you’re balancing your body weight on a single foot. 

Good Yoga Routine For Beginners – #3 – Hasta Padasana

Hasta Padasana is a great pose because it’s a simple stretching exercise. All you need to do is to bend forward and place your hands in front of you. This one is great for improving flexibility.

Over time, you’ll find that you will be able to do more complex yoga poses. However, it’s best to start off with simpler poses and give yourself a chance to improve your skills. Yoga is a great way to relax, and is a positive stress relief tool. It’s a great outlet for your creativity, and is also an opportunity to connect with other like-minded people if you choose to join in a group setting.

Yoga to increase brain power – What is yoga in the eastern sense and how does relate to mindfulness

what is yoga in the eastern sense and how does it relate to mindfulness

Writings on Yoga date back to the Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Hindu text dating back to 400 BCE. It calls Yoga a union and a pureness of soul. Yoga is a state where the body and head are held immovable. It’s a very relaxed state of peace and relaxation. The benefits of it are not immedate. Yoga is an activity which has its benefits in the long run with regular practice.

Yoga Writings

Later in 400 CE, Patanjali wrote 195 Yoga Sutras which is a 4-part text designed to describe the practice of Yoga. It begins with instructing one on the value of clearing the mind, and offers an explanation of forms of knowledge, sleep, memory and thought.  It instructs one that the voice of god is Om, and that repetition of om can be used in order to clear the mind. Furthermore, distractions of the mind are major obstacles to obtaining a state of relaxation. 

Overall, the trend of the ancient texts is that mindfulness is a state of having a clear mind. It’s a state of being fully present in what you are doing. Yoga in the eastern sense was originally developed as a means of allowing people to clear their minds for prayer.

How Is Yoga Able To Increase Brain Power

Modern times are often chaotic, stressful and confusing. That is why many people are looking to the wisdom from the past for reducing their stress levels. There is well-documented research which indicates that Yoga is positive for the brain. Yoga has led to an increase in the amount of Grey matter found in brain MRI scans. Grey matter impacts self-control, decision-making and speech. 

If you decide to practice yoga over the years, you’ll find that your brain will improve as you age. You’ll have more self-control and greater decision making ability.