Home Exercises At Home – Top 5 At Home Stretching TIps

Stretching is important and vital for preventing tissue injuries and soreness after exercising. Here are some tips for stretching at home before you begin to exercise, allowing the experience to be a better one.

After using your muscles repetitively for a long period of time, you’ll feel that inability to move around after you’re done. Furthermore, stretching is designed to move the muscle to the point at which it cannot move any more (range of motion).

  1. Hold and Relax

Stretch the muscle for 10 seconds to its full range of motion and relax it after you’re done stretching. This is able to help you release some of the pressure which you feel on the muscle, making sure that you are able to extend the muscle to it’s full length. But, on the other hand, remember that it’s critical to exercise in moderation.

  1. Don’t Stretch Too Vigorously

In some cases, people often use a series of rapid motions in place of a standard hold and relax stretch. These repetitive motions are very likely to cause injury, which additionally puts a lot of strain and tension on the muscle. A general rule of thumb for stretching is that a stretch should not be too painful.

  1. Focus Your Efforts

Some parts of your body may require more attention than others while stretching. Focus on the parts of your body which you move the most on a daily basis. Legs are important, along with your hips. You may also want to adjust your stretching based on the sport which you are engaging in. More importantly, remember the 80/20 rule: 80% of your results will come from 20% of your efforts.

  1. Stretch Often

If you are sitting for extended periods, it’s a very bad idea to not stretch. The reason is that sitting makes your body weaker. Muscles shorten as you sit, so even some very basic stretches which can be performed at a desk. A neck roll or even a simple seated stretch can go a long way to help move your muscles around. Stretching also gives you more energy and ability to focus.

  1. A Little Bit Is Better Than Nothing

Even 30 seconds per day of stretching can help to lengthen your muscles over a month. You can certainly find a bit of time throughout a busy day in order to stretch, which will have a significant positive impact on your musculoskeletal strength.