Does planking help you lose weight?

Does planking help you lose weight?

If you’ve ever heard of planking exercises, there’s a good chance you’re asking yourself: Does planking help you lose weight? Are you looking for a whole-body workout that you can do at home that burns calories and strengthens muscles at the same time? Planking is your best bet! Planking is a whole-body workout that’s able to help you sculpt an impressive physique. It’s able to strengthen your core, muscles and arms. What’s also fantastic about planking is that it’s something you can easily do without any equipment, right on your floor.

Does planking help you lose weight – Planking burns calories

The amount of calories burned by planking varies from person to person based on weight. On average, planking exercises help you burn calories at a rate of 2 to 5 per minute. It’s not a lot compared to other cardiovascular exercises such as running which burns 11.4 calories per minute. But, the benefits of planking go beyond burning calories, as planking exercises are demonstrated to provide other benefits besides burning calories for strength.

Planking is great for posture

Planking is a great exercise for improving your posture. You’ll want to keep your spinal column aligned as straight as possible. If you do so, the reason is that planking (with its upright movements) is able to stabilize your spinal column. Therefore, many people see an improved posture with this form of exercise because you’re holding your back straight the entire time.

Does planking help you lose weight – Planking Targets Your Abs / Core

A stronger core is one of the biggest reasons why most consider planking exercises. Planking is a perfect ab exercise. You’re using your core muscles to support your body when you plank. Studies which measure core activation measure EMG (Electrical) activity in your core muscles. Planking has been demonstrated to increase electrical activity in your core muscles. A weaker core is linked to lower back pain, and planking is one of the easiest ways to strengthen your core muscle

Planking is a safer alternative to sit-ups for your core. Many have suggested that sit-ups have a higher risk for injury. Even the US Military is choosing to phase out sit-ups in favor of planking exercises.

How to Plank

Planking is an extremely simple exercise. The easiest way to do it is to take on a push-up position and hold it for a period of time. The challenge is that this is going to be very uncomfortable at first. You’re going to have to build your tolerance up to this form of exercise. Begin with 30 seconds, go up to a minute and keep making incremental progress on a daily basis. Eventually, you’ll build up endurance to where you can plank for longer! The great thing about planking is that it’s something which you don’t have to do every single day.

Planking is a great exercise for beginners. It’s something you can do at home without any equipment. You’ll have to build up tolerance to this exercise. To begin with, you might only be able to do a few seconds of planking. As you progress in your ability, you’ll be able to gain more strength and therefore more endurance meaning you’ll be able to plank for longer.

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