
What is a 5 Minute Morning Exercise For Beginners Without a Gym?

What is a 5 Minute Morning Exercise For Beginners Without a Gym?

A 5 minute morning exercise for beginners without a gym is a great way to start the day! This is a perfect routine for people with no time. When you start your day off right with this simple 5 minute routine, you’ll feel energized and ready to take on the rest of the day. Modern life is fast-paced and busy.

Many studies have demonstrated the value of even a tiny amount of exercise on a daily basis. Studies with hamstring muscles for periods of 30 seconds have demonstrated the value of a quick hamstring stretch

 Consider incorporating exercise into your daily routine, and you’ll start the day off right. Here is a quick 5 minute routine that you can incorporate into your day-to-day exercise habit!

Minute 1: Stretch

Daily stretching improves blood circulation, reduces stress, and improves your overall range of motion. The key is to ensure that you’re stretching each of the main muscle groups in your body (Chest, Back, Abdominal, Arms, and Legs). Aim to hold each stretch for at least 10-15 seconds. 

You can easily stretch your back and leg muscles while lying down in bed. Simply lie flat on your back, bring your legs toward your chest and hold the position for a period of 15 seconds each. Arms/shoulders can easily be stretched while seated. Extend your right to the left side and hold it with your left hand. Repeat with the left arm, and extend it to the other side. 

Minute 2: Push-ups

Push-ups are another simple exercise that you can do in just 1 minute per day. Aim to complete 40-50 of these in a 1-minute session. Push-ups have benefits for both muscle strength and cardiovascular health. Just aim to keep your back straight, place your hands at shoulder-width apart from one another, and repeat the push-up motion.

Minute 3: Mountain Climb

This is an easy and fun core workout! Mountain climbs begin in a pushup position. Instead of doing a pushup, bring your legs forward and backward as if you were running in place from a pushup position. Aim to complete 20-30 of these at various paces, both slow and fast. It’s easy to accomplish this in a few minutes or less each day. These have been demonstrated to improve cardiovascular function and range of motion in the legs.

Minute 4: Burpee

A burpee exercise begins from a standing position. Start by moving your legs side by side inward from the push-up position (similar to doing a mountain climber). Jump back up, and clap your hands in the air. While jumping back up, bring your legs inward toward your chest. This can be a difficult exercise, especially if you’re a beginner. Aim to do 10-20 of these in a minute. As part of a series of similar exercises in a research setting, Burpees demonstrated significant improvements in body oxygen uptake and endurance.

Minute 5: Run In Place

If you can’t run outside, running in place indoors can have the same cardiovascular benefit. Run in place for the last minute of your exercise. It’s a great way to build your strength, as you’re shifting your weight from one leg to another. It’s a great alternative to exercising outside if you are unable to run outside.

There’s nothing that should hold you back from adding exercise to your day-to-day routine! It’s a critical part of your day, and neglecting it means that you’ll neglect your health and future health needs. A brief daily exercise routine can help you make consistent progress toward health and wellness goals. 

Software Developers: Combat Desk Posture with Bodyweight Workouts – Can Remote Workers Fix Rounded Shoulders?

Correct rounded shoulders with bodyweight exercise

Impact-Site-Verification: 9ac7c5b1-0085-418f-8746-3b202f9626ed Does your day-to-day job mean that you’re spending a lot of time sitting? It’s simple and easy to combat desk posture problems with bodyweight workouts. Body weight workouts are convenient because you don’t have to use any equipment. If you live in an apartment, body weight workouts can be a part of your day-to-day routine! Here are a few practical suggestions for exercises that you can try to correct your posture issues.

Shoulder Rolls

Shoulder roll exercises for 2 minutes per day were used by participants as a part of a study involving desk workers in Brazil. Along with wall slides and shoulder retractions, shoulder rolls were demonstrated to improve range of motion. This was done in a full circle movement, where participants rotated their shoulders in a back-and-forth motion several times per day.

Stretching With Elastic Bands

Over time, poor posture caused by extensive device use constrains shoulder flexibility. Elastic bands were used in a Japan-based study to improve shoulder muscle strength. A cause of rounded shoulders is muscle shortening due to poor posture. Elastic band exercises have a positive impact on shoulder flexibility. These exercises aid in extending these shoulder muscles and improving the range of motion.

Shoulder Rotations

A Korea study used shoulder rotations as a part of an exercise routine for improving the muscle activity in participants. With the participant’s arms bent at a 90 degree angle, the participants held their arms up with their palms facing outward. The participants then moved their arms in an inward and outward motion. This is a simple exercise which can easily be done while sitting.

Foam Roller Exercises

As a software developer, there is a very good chance that you spend a lot of time in front of an electronic device. A study included participants experiencing shoulder pain due to technology use. Foam roller exercises were used to release stiff muscle joints. The results of this study indicated lower levels of muscle pain among the study participants. A foam roller can be used to massage the shoulder joints after prolonged device use.

Improving shoulder strength is a great way to reduce your odds of injury. Even as a software developer, you’re still able to improve your shoulder strength and flexibility. With a few basic exercises that you can perform in minutes per day, you are able to build your strength up and improve your overall health.

Does planking help you lose weight?

Does planking help you lose weight?

If you’ve ever heard of planking exercises, there’s a good chance you’re asking yourself: Does planking help you lose weight? Are you looking for a whole-body workout that you can do at home that burns calories and strengthens muscles at the same time? Planking is your best bet! Planking is a whole-body workout that’s able to help you sculpt an impressive physique. It’s able to strengthen your core, muscles and arms. What’s also fantastic about planking is that it’s something you can easily do without any equipment, right on your floor.

Does planking help you lose weight – Planking burns calories

The amount of calories burned by planking varies from person to person based on weight. On average, planking exercises help you burn calories at a rate of 2 to 5 per minute. It’s not a lot compared to other cardiovascular exercises such as running which burns 11.4 calories per minute. But, the benefits of planking go beyond burning calories, as planking exercises are demonstrated to provide other benefits besides burning calories for strength.

Planking is great for posture

Planking is a great exercise for improving your posture. You’ll want to keep your spinal column aligned as straight as possible. If you do so, the reason is that planking (with its upright movements) is able to stabilize your spinal column. Therefore, many people see an improved posture with this form of exercise because you’re holding your back straight the entire time.

Does planking help you lose weight – Planking Targets Your Abs / Core

A stronger core is one of the biggest reasons why most consider planking exercises. Planking is a perfect ab exercise. You’re using your core muscles to support your body when you plank. Studies which measure core activation measure EMG (Electrical) activity in your core muscles. Planking has been demonstrated to increase electrical activity in your core muscles. A weaker core is linked to lower back pain, and planking is one of the easiest ways to strengthen your core muscle

Planking is a safer alternative to sit-ups for your core. Many have suggested that sit-ups have a higher risk for injury. Even the US Military is choosing to phase out sit-ups in favor of planking exercises.

How to Plank

Planking is an extremely simple exercise. The easiest way to do it is to take on a push-up position and hold it for a period of time. The challenge is that this is going to be very uncomfortable at first. You’re going to have to build your tolerance up to this form of exercise. Begin with 30 seconds, go up to a minute and keep making incremental progress on a daily basis. Eventually, you’ll build up endurance to where you can plank for longer! The great thing about planking is that it’s something which you don’t have to do every single day.

Planking is a great exercise for beginners. It’s something you can do at home without any equipment. You’ll have to build up tolerance to this exercise. To begin with, you might only be able to do a few seconds of planking. As you progress in your ability, you’ll be able to gain more strength and therefore more endurance meaning you’ll be able to plank for longer.

Why does my belly hang when I do planking exercise?

Why does my belly hang when I do planking exercise?

Why does my belly hang when I do planking exercise

Planking is a great exercise that can help to tighten your belly. These exercises aren’t fun when you first get started doing them. But, they are powerful whole-body exercises that can tone and tighten your core. They’re great for your whole body and your mind. 

What is planking

Planking is a simple exercise where you’re supporting your body weight with your arms. Most often, it’s essentially holding a pushup position. It’s a whole-body exercise that builds up strength in your arms, back, legs, and core. However, this exercise is especially targeted at your core as the Navy plans to replace sit-ups with planking exercises.

Why does my belly hang when you do planking exercises?

You have organs in your stomach. The reason is because of gravity (of course!) Everything in your stomach tends to go downward when your body is elevated off the ground. Fortunately, this does not pose any risk to your safety. However, it is advisable that you keep your back straight while performing this exercise to prevent injury. 

Why are planks great exercises?

Planks are great exercises for a number of reasons! The most important reason why people do planking exercises is that they are great for your core. Planking was used as part of a physical therapy routine in one case for a distance runner who was suffering from severe hip pain. After a 8-day exercise routine which included planking, she was able to return to her normal running routine pain free.

Consider making planking exercises a part of your regular exercise routine. This is a great way to build your core strength up, and a simple exercise to do. It has a low-risk of injury and is great for your whole body.

If Russian Twists are bad for your back why aren’t hanging windshield wipers

If Russian Twists are bad for your back why aren't hanging windshield wipers

Many people doing abdominal muscles often compare the safety risk of one over the other, thinking if russian twists are bad for your back, why aren’t hanging windshield wipers? Fortunately, it’s possible to build your abdominal muscles while avoiding potential back injuries in the future. For that reason, many often compare one form of exercise to another in order to determine safety and efficacy.

What are Russian twists?

Russian twists are a common sitting exercise. While sitting, this is where you lift your feet off the floor and pass a weight from one side of your body to the other. This is not an easy exercise, but it’s not something that’s too difficult to do. You’re moving your body in a twisting motion, which is why it’s called a twist. 

What are hanging windshield wipers?

This is a very difficult exercise that you can’t do at home. It requires you to hang vertically from a bar,a nd swing your legs from left to right. Furthermore, this exercise requires you to orient your legs in a way that they are parallel to the floor. Imagine making your legs look like a windshield wiper on an automobile. This is also an advanced exercise that may not be a great idea for beginners due to its high risks of injury. Part of the reason why this exercise carries a lower risk of an injury is because people doing this exercise may have more experience!

Risk of a Back Injury From Russian Twists

Many online writers suggest that Russian twist exercises are dangerous due to a risk of compression. One athletic therapy journal article from 2008 indicates that the Russian Twist exercise is a great advanced core exercise. Another study mentions an older golfer who used russian twists as part of an exercise routine as a way to help improve core strength. 

It’s clear that russian twists are a form of exercise which are well-documented to produce great results. However, this doesn’t mean that this form of exercise does not come without the chance of an injury. A trainer was quoted in Men’s Health suggesting that the exercise places a lot of pressure on the spine. It’s certainly true that a rotational position with the exercise is very likely to cause an injury. In most cases, the recommendation is to avoid the exercise due to the spinal pressure. This is especially important to consider if you’re new to exercise.


Ultimately, both Russian twists and hanging windshield wipers are core exercises. They’re designed to target the muscles in your abdomen. Fortunately, you can still work these muscles with a much lower risk of an injury. You might consider planking! This might be a slightly uncomfortable exercise at first, but you’re able to build the same core muscles that you would build with a Russian twist!


There have been studies which have shown the benefits of Russian twist exercises. But, there’s also plenty of evidence which suggests that the exercises are dangerous. Therefore, you may want to reconsider these, especially since there are other great options that are able to work the same muscle groups.