How does stretching make the body more loose and flexible over time?

how does stretching work

Stretching has major benefits for your body’s overall flexibility.

However, it takes time for you to see the results of the effort that you are putting in.

You’ll be surprised to realize that even a little bit of stretching goes a long way to improving your muscle flexibility. Researchers indicated that over an 8-week period, even 15 to 30 seconds per day of stretching a single muscle can improve its range of motion.

Stretching has a huge payoff for the small amount of time required. This is great to remember if you’re ever busy, or you just don’t have enough time to get exercise in the day. If you do a little bit of stretching each day, at a minimum you are able to do something which will improve your flexibility.

Stretching repeatedly (over time) extends a muscle outward. Not only does that help to strengthen the muscle that you’re stretching, you’re helping to expand the muscle.

There are two ways to stretch. The first way is to extend the muscle fully out and hold for the desired period of time. The second is to repeatedly extend the muscle out and pull it back in.

In case you haven’t thought about it, give stretching a try!