How can we do bicep exercises at home without dumbbells and barbells

bicep exercises at home without dumbbells and barbells

No equipment, no worries – we can do bicep exercises at home without dumbbells and barbells. If you want to have a nice physique, remember that your biceps are those arm muscles. Luckily, you don’t need equipment to exercise them. We just need to be creative on how we exercise these muscles. Here are a few simple ideas for ways to exercise these muscles without having weights on hand. 

Resistance Bands – The Best Bicep Exercises at Home Without Dumbbells and Barbells!

If you are willing to invest a little bit of money into equipment, Resistance Bands are able to simulate weights. They can be incorporated into a whole body workout! Most likely, you haven’t bought any exercise equipment yet because you’re worried about space constraints. If you have concerns about storage, then resistance bands are perfect! Resistance bands are also super easy to use, meaning that you can do a few bicep stretches with regular arm movements.


Push-ups are great for your bicep muscles as these exercises are able to target this muscle group! This exercise requires a lot of back-and-forth motion, and they also allow you to exercise other parts of your body including your back and scapula. These are easy – just have your hands flat and feet straight, and use your arms to push your body up!

Lifting Heavy Things!

There’s a good chance that you have something heavy around your home that’s fairly easy to pick up! You don’t always need dumbbells and barbells to get the benefit of lifting weights. When you lift heavy things, you’re still doing the same work! A full milk jug can weigh 8 or 9 pounds – not a ton of weight that you are accustomed to. Heavy books can also be a great substitute for dumbbells and barbells!


This is something which you probably won’t be able to do at home. If there is a park nearby, use a sturdy metal bar at the park in order to do pull-ups. These can be challenging to do at first, but these are great exercises for your biceps. They also help to work other muscle groups in your body as well in addition to your biceps. 

Remember that resistance bands are great exercises! Add resistance bands to your exercise routine for maximum impact