Yoga to increase brain power – What is yoga in the eastern sense and how does relate to mindfulness

what is yoga in the eastern sense and how does it relate to mindfulness

Writings on Yoga date back to the Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Hindu text dating back to 400 BCE. It calls Yoga a union and a pureness of soul. Yoga is a state where the body and head are held immovable. It’s a very relaxed state of peace and relaxation. The benefits of it are not immedate. Yoga is an activity which has its benefits in the long run with regular practice.

Yoga Writings

Later in 400 CE, Patanjali wrote 195 Yoga Sutras which is a 4-part text designed to describe the practice of Yoga. It begins with instructing one on the value of clearing the mind, and offers an explanation of forms of knowledge, sleep, memory and thought.  It instructs one that the voice of god is Om, and that repetition of om can be used in order to clear the mind. Furthermore, distractions of the mind are major obstacles to obtaining a state of relaxation. 

Overall, the trend of the ancient texts is that mindfulness is a state of having a clear mind. It’s a state of being fully present in what you are doing. Yoga in the eastern sense was originally developed as a means of allowing people to clear their minds for prayer.

How Is Yoga Able To Increase Brain Power

Modern times are often chaotic, stressful and confusing. That is why many people are looking to the wisdom from the past for reducing their stress levels. There is well-documented research which indicates that Yoga is positive for the brain. Yoga has led to an increase in the amount of Grey matter found in brain MRI scans. Grey matter impacts self-control, decision-making and speech. 

If you decide to practice yoga over the years, you’ll find that your brain will improve as you age. You’ll have more self-control and greater decision making ability.