Hang For 100 Seconds and Win $100? Scam?

hang for 100 seconds and win game

Wondering if these hang for 100 seconds and win games are scams? Likely, you’ve seen these before (or something similar) in a park or state fair. You are able to pay $10 for the prospect of winning $100, which seems like a really good investment / gamble.

It catches your eye, because you feel confident in your ability to hang onto a pull-up bar for a minute or two. It doesn’t seem like a very long time, and you feel that you’re reasonably fit enough to do it. You’re probably thinking that it’s easy money for you to win.

What you might not know is that you’re hanging onto a pull up bar that has the ability to rotate with even the slightest move. This is the reason why most people don’t think about the chance that they could lose the money that they are spending to play these games.

Most Can’t Hang For Long

Furthermore, the average person can only hang on to a pull-up bar for 30 seconds. That’s far short of the 100-200 seconds that you’ll need to hang onto the pull up bar for to win the prize.

Improve Your Grip Strength

If you are interested in being competitive for these sorts of challenges, it might help to work on your grip strength. Grip strength is often overlooked, and having greater grip strength can help you in your day-to-day life. Ever try to open a pickle jar? That’s when grip strength will come to help.

You can try a few different grip strength exercises at home. Just grab something that you can squeeze, and you’ll be able to improve your hand’s grip strength. Improving your grip strength is what will help you hold onto these pull-up bars for a longer time, making it more likely for you to win.