Can I Reset My Gut Microbiome by Fasting?

can i reset my gut microbiome with intermittent fasting

Can you reset your gut microbiome by fasting? Luckily, there is research on the impact of fasting upon the gut microbiome. 

One study in mice looked at restructuring the intestinal microbiome through fasting as well as prevention of age-related diseases.

The study tested gut bacteria in the mice. It compared a group of mice eating a regular diet with another group of mice which fasted for a full day every other day for 7 months.

There are trillions of bacteria in your body’s intestines, meaning there are way more bacteria in your gut than there are people on the earth! These bacteria play a very important role in your health, because they impact how your body is able to digest food. 

The researchers observed that the mice which were intermittent fasting reset their gut’s microbiome. This diet boosted their metabolism and repaired age-related oxidative damage to their bodies. With less oxidative damage, your body will be able to repair age-related damage easier.

The study of intermittent fasting also examined the blood hemoglobin levels. This was through comparing these levels between the fasting and non-fasting mice. In comparing the two groups, the researchers discovered that the fasting mice had higher hemoglobin levels. Hemoglobin is a major controller of blood sugar levels.

It’s also important to remember that there are plenty of tests available on the market which are designed to give you a better indication of the health of your gut microbiome. These are easy to do and can be completed in-home. They will tell you the types of intestinal bacteria that you have and the health of these bacteria.

To improve your gut health, give intermittent fasting a try!