Is Exercise or Nutrition More Important For Losing Weight?

exercise or nutrition more important for weight loss

The great news for you is that even just a moderate amount of daily exercise can help you lose weight. If your curious as to whether or not exercise or nutrition is more important for losing weight, the short answer is both are critical. According to a study by the ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) indicates that 250 to 350 minutes of exercise per week is able to produce moderate weight loss. This is certainly true in obese adults.

There is a “sweet spot” for weight loss. Combined with moderate dietary restrictions, 150-250 minutes per week is shown to produce moderate weight loss. Because this combines moderate amounts of physical exercise with moderate diet restrictions, it’s able to demonstrate that you’re able to achieve your weight loss goals without making extreme sacrifices.

It’s often very hard to find time to exercise as our lives are busy with multiple responsibilities. If you average the 150-250 minutes to a 7 day week, you’ll only need to find 21-35 minutes out of your busy schedule to exercise. If your mornings are busy, then you can split this time up throughout the day.

What Is Considered “Moderate” Exercise?

Moderate exercise is considered a medium-intensity physical activity. Moderate exercise can also be enjoyable, and even a part of your regular routine. 

The most common form of moderate exercise is taking a brisk walk around the block. But, moderate exercise can also include vacuuming, dancing, swimming, or other similar activities where you are moving around.  

Aside from weight loss, moderate intensity exercise is able to have additional benefits. Moderate intensity exercise also has an impact on other areas of your health. It’s shown to give your immune system a boost.

Aerobic Exercise Combined With Eating Less

Aerobic exercise is the exercise that “gets your blood pumping.” It’s jogging or running, dancing or hiking. Combining this with eating fewer calories will help you lose weight much faster. Even if it’s moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, combine this with eating less and you’ll be able to lose weight.

How Many Calories Should I Reduce My Diet By?

Remember that 1 pound of fat is 3500 calories. So, you need to create a calorie deficit of 3500 calories per week in order to lose 1 lb of fat per week. Most experts generally agree that it’s safe to lose approximately 1 to 2 lbs per week. Furthermore, people losing weight at this rate are more likely to be successful.


Exercise and nutrition are equally important for losing weight. A combination of both is critical for losing weight at a sustainable weight. Try to avoid making drastic cutbacks, and you’ll be able to be successful in your goals.