US Obesity Epidemic – Why Is Obesity So Commonplace

Most likely, you are aware that obesity is a major problem in the US and even globally.

Obesity is a result of excess body fat. It leads to other serious health issues such as hypertension, heart disease and more.

Unfortunately, we often live sedentary lifestyles. This is also combined with high levels of stress that we encounter in our careers and day-to-day lives. The combination of these two factors lead us to consume too much food while getting not enough exercise.

Higher levels of stress trigger eating as a coping mechanism as this provides a quick release of feel good chemicals in the brain. With each dopamine release, a person is more likely to become addicted to this sensation caused by eating.

This is coupled with the fact that the unhealthiest foods are often the most affordable. Fast food restaurants can feed an entire family for very cheaply, while a healthier alternative is more or less not unaffordable.

The solution to avoiding obesity is simple:

  1. Get regular exercise that will help you burn fat
  2. Eat a balanced diet with a reasonable amount of calories
  3. Avoid cheap, low-quality foods

It’s really simple and easy to avoid the challenges of obesity! By taking a few basic measures, you’re able to overcome many of the common risks.