resistance bands

Combat Desk Posture with Bodyweight Workouts for Programmers

Planking - combat desk posture with bodyweight workouts for programmers

The easiest way to combat desk posture is with bodyweight workouts for programmers. Bodyweight workouts are a great way to improve your flexibility and strength. A study aiming to understand the effects of sitting for long periods noted a significant increase in body discomfort during a prescribed set of exercises after sitting for 30 minutes. These exercises are also critical for helping you avoid many posture problems arising from sitting for long periods. The best way to combat desk posture is through bodyweight exercises which strengthen muscle groups. In a few minutes daily, you can easily counteract the negative effects of desk posture and sitting for long, extended periods.

Exercise #1 – Jumping jacks

Are you looking for a quick and fun way to boost your cardiovascular fitness and improve your posture? Jumping jacks are an easy, no-equipment-required exercise. Jumping jacks are designed to build muscular strength. They work both the hip flexor muscles and quadricep muscles. 

Posture is important when doing jumping jacks. Ensure that your feet are at an equal distance apart. Doing this exercise with poor posture is a terrible idea as doing so can negate the positive impacts of this exercise.

Exercise #2 – Squats

Squats were demonstrated to positively impact individuals suffering from lower back pain. Participants in a study began in a standing position with their arms extended forward, and extended their knees forward while holding this position for 3 seconds. The researchers in this study observed a very significant positive impact on the participants’ range of motion. Because squats have a positive impact on lower back pain sufferers, squats can also have a positive benefit on posture.

Exercise #3 – Planking

Planking is a fast, easy exercise that does not require any equipment. It only takes a few minutes to plank. Most importantly, it improves your posture and reduces the risk of injuring your back. It’s targeted at the core of your body, meaning that you’ll be able to sculpt that appearance that you have always wanted through planking regularly. Planking also burns calories, and is known for being a great option for weight loss.

It’s as easy as placing your body into a push-up position and holding this for a specific period. Hold the plank position for 30-60 seconds to begin and gradually increase over time. Planking has the same benefits as doing abdominal crunches for the core while being a much safer option than crunches. 

Exercise #4 – Shoulder Shrugs

Don’t forget about the upper body. Shoulder shrugs are an exercise that you can easily do while you’re sitting down. This is a common exercise used in shoulder rehabilitation, because of its ability to strengthen the shoulder muscles. For your shoulders to function correctly, a strong scapula (shoulder muscle) is essential.

All you need to do is to raise your shoulder toward your ear, and gently lower it back down. Aim to do this for at least 20-30 times in the beginning, and gradually increase the number over time.

These exercises are great ways to build your body’s overall strength. These are simple ways to counteract some of the negative effects of sitting throughout the day. Sitting for long periods is negative for your overall health, and the great way to overcome the negative effects is with targeted exercise.

What is a 5 Minute Morning Exercise For Beginners Without a Gym?

What is a 5 Minute Morning Exercise For Beginners Without a Gym?

A 5 minute morning exercise for beginners without a gym is a great way to start the day! This is a perfect routine for people with no time. When you start your day off right with this simple 5 minute routine, you’ll feel energized and ready to take on the rest of the day. Modern life is fast-paced and busy.

Many studies have demonstrated the value of even a tiny amount of exercise on a daily basis. Studies with hamstring muscles for periods of 30 seconds have demonstrated the value of a quick hamstring stretch

 Consider incorporating exercise into your daily routine, and you’ll start the day off right. Here is a quick 5 minute routine that you can incorporate into your day-to-day exercise habit!

Minute 1: Stretch

Daily stretching improves blood circulation, reduces stress, and improves your overall range of motion. The key is to ensure that you’re stretching each of the main muscle groups in your body (Chest, Back, Abdominal, Arms, and Legs). Aim to hold each stretch for at least 10-15 seconds. 

You can easily stretch your back and leg muscles while lying down in bed. Simply lie flat on your back, bring your legs toward your chest and hold the position for a period of 15 seconds each. Arms/shoulders can easily be stretched while seated. Extend your right to the left side and hold it with your left hand. Repeat with the left arm, and extend it to the other side. 

Minute 2: Push-ups

Push-ups are another simple exercise that you can do in just 1 minute per day. Aim to complete 40-50 of these in a 1-minute session. Push-ups have benefits for both muscle strength and cardiovascular health. Just aim to keep your back straight, place your hands at shoulder-width apart from one another, and repeat the push-up motion.

Minute 3: Mountain Climb

This is an easy and fun core workout! Mountain climbs begin in a pushup position. Instead of doing a pushup, bring your legs forward and backward as if you were running in place from a pushup position. Aim to complete 20-30 of these at various paces, both slow and fast. It’s easy to accomplish this in a few minutes or less each day. These have been demonstrated to improve cardiovascular function and range of motion in the legs.

Minute 4: Burpee

A burpee exercise begins from a standing position. Start by moving your legs side by side inward from the push-up position (similar to doing a mountain climber). Jump back up, and clap your hands in the air. While jumping back up, bring your legs inward toward your chest. This can be a difficult exercise, especially if you’re a beginner. Aim to do 10-20 of these in a minute. As part of a series of similar exercises in a research setting, Burpees demonstrated significant improvements in body oxygen uptake and endurance.

Minute 5: Run In Place

If you can’t run outside, running in place indoors can have the same cardiovascular benefit. Run in place for the last minute of your exercise. It’s a great way to build your strength, as you’re shifting your weight from one leg to another. It’s a great alternative to exercising outside if you are unable to run outside.

There’s nothing that should hold you back from adding exercise to your day-to-day routine! It’s a critical part of your day, and neglecting it means that you’ll neglect your health and future health needs. A brief daily exercise routine can help you make consistent progress toward health and wellness goals. 

Unlocking the Power of Vitamin D: A Guide to Boosting Bone Health and Wellness Through Proper Consumption

vitamin d the sunlight vitamin

Vitamin D is often known as the sunlight vitamin For bone health, it is very important for bone health that you consume it on a regular basis. It’s one of the 4 essential vitamins, and there are plenty of great sources of the vitamin which are available to you. The consequences of a vitamin D deficiency are very severe, meaning it’s important to consume it on a regular basis to maintain your overall health and wellness. Here are examples of sources of this essential and beneficial vitamin. The recommended amount of Vitamin D consumed on a daily basis is 400-800 International Units.


It’s widely known that milk is a rich source of Vitamin D. In one 8 ounce glass of milk, you’ll find approximately 110 International Units of Vitamin D. Consuming approximately 4-6 8 ounce glasses of milk per day will provide for the full amount of your recommended daily vitamin D serving. Milk also has calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals that benefit your overall health.


According to the USDA guidelines, Rainbow Trout is a great source of Vitamin D with over 645 International Units. This is followed by salmon at between 383-570, and a serving of only 3 ounces of either fish is able to suffice. Fish is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids which support heart health, and is also known for being a lean source of protein. Fish is the richest source of Vitamin D on the USDA guidelines list.

Orange Juice

Just one cup of orange juice has 114 IU of vitamin D!  You won’t necessarily find vitamin D in cold-pressed orange juice because it’s not a natural part of an orange. Vitamin D is often added to standard orange juice before it is sold. This is the same size as a small glass.  It’s very easy to get a large amount of your body’s necessary vitamin D when you wake up. Because fat is not required for absorption, orange juice is a great option for adding vitamin D to your diet.


Just a tiny amount of cheese is packed with Vitamin D. Fortified American Cheese is another great source of Vitamin D. Just 1 and ½ ounces of cheese has 104 IU of Vitamin D. Naturally, cheese can contain up to 30 IU of vitamin D. Aside from being a rich source of Vitamin D, it’s also packed with other nutrients. These include Vitamin A and calcium, which is a critical mineral for bone health. Cheese is a great snack when you’re looking for a quick and nutrient-packed bite to eat.


Sunlight is another great way to get Vitamin D! This is a perfect option during the summer months. Sunlight also does not cost anything, which makes it an excellent option when the sun is out. Approximately 15-30 minutes of sun exposure per day will provide your body’s required daily amount of Vitamin D. During the winter months, or at times when it’s not possible to go outside – it’s important to supplement with additional Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is important for bone and immune health. Especially during the winter months, you may not be getting enough of it. That’s why it’s important to make Vitamin D a regular part of your diet.

What is the best home gym equipment for losing belly fat

What is the best home gym equipment for losing belly fat

Exercising at home, and want to know what is the best home gym equipment for losing belly fat for you to buy? The good news for you is that you’re able to burn belly fat – even if you’re exercising at home. Not all exercise equipment is created equally for burning fat; but each type of equipment has its advantages and disadvantages. Here are a few suggestions to help you get started with building your home gym.

1. Kettlebells are the best home gym equipment for losing belly fat

Kettlebell swings are powerful exercises. This is ultimately a full-body exercise, as these weights can help you build your core strength up. The benefits extend all the way down from your arms, core, and your legs. Furthermore, kettlebells don’t take up too much room. They’re not very portable, but kettlebell exercises are great exercises that you can do at home.

2. Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are a great piece of equipment to have because they can travel with you wherever you go. They create additional “resistance” on your muscles, and can be used for a full-body workout without having to have a lot of big, heavy weights on hand. They’re super light, and great for your workout. Resistance bands come in varying levels of tension, meaning you’re able to buy ones which are able to require more strength.

3. High Quality Shoes

Running / biking / jogging is a great way to burn extra calories. These activities can take you out of your home environment, boosting your mental and emotional health. Therefore, you’ll want to have a great set of running shoes on hand. Look for a sturdy, comfortable pair that are reasonably-priced. 

4. Yoga Mat

Yoga is a powerful exercise that is relaxing and allows you to use many different muscles in your body. A yoga mat is a great thing to have on hand as it makes for more comfortable stretching as opposed to a hard floor. Yoga mats are easily rolled up, and are also very portable. 

5. Jump Rope

This exercise isn’t just for schoolchildren. If you’re looking for a quick exercise that’s fun and burns a lot of calories, jumping rope can be another great choice. A jump rope is very portable, and can be stored nearly anywhere. It’s able to help build leg muscles and burn calories at the same time, plus exercise will feel a lot less like work and a lot more like play.

As you can see, home exercise equipment doesn’t need to be expensive or take up a lot of room. With a few simple pieces of equipment, you’re able to have access to some very powerful home workouts that you can do virtually at any time. Furthermore, if you travel a lot, you can also take many of these pieces of equipment with you wherever you go.

Why is it important to keep your back and neck straight while performing a hamstring stretch?

why it's important to keep your back and neck straight during hamstring exercises

Your hamstrings are leg muscles, and specifically they are the “upper leg” muscles that are right above the knee. We place a lot of tension on our hamstring muscles on a daily basis when we walk, run, or lift heavy objects. Hamstrings are often a part of our exercise routine, so stretching these muscles can be helpful to avoid soreness or injury. 

Even though stretching is designed to prevent injuries, there’s still a potential for injuring yourself if you stretch improperly. You’re potentially placing additional stress on other parts of your body such as your neck or spinal cord. Here is a quick overview of why you should keep your neck and back straight while doing a hamstring stretch, along with a few ideas for hamstring stretches that you can do.

Remember that your body operates like a machine. While hamstring stretches are useful, they also come with a slight risk of an injury to your spinal  cord. By keeping your back and neck straight, you’re able to reduce these injury risks when stretching.  Stretching does place pressure on your spinal cord, and over time this repeated stress to your spinal cord makes injury very likely.


One common hamstring stretch (Also one of the easiest ways to keep your spinal column straight) is to lie down on your back and lift your leg in the air. You can interlock your hands in order to support your leg.

Using Rollers

Rolling your hamstrings with a foam roller is an easy way to increase the blood flow to these muscles. Foam rolling is like a massage for your legs. It’s not exactly a stretch, but foam rolling has many of the same benefits without putting pressure on your spinal cord.

Standing Stretch

While being careful to keep your neck and back straight, stand on one leg and elevate the other one slightly. This is a fairly easy one to do as you’re able to stand upright while doing it. A standing stretch is a simple and easy one to do.

Stretching is a great way to relieve tension in your muscles. It’s also able to prevent soreness before you exercise. If you stretch before exercise or in your day-to-day life, stretching is a great part of exercise if you do it right!

Has anyone rehabbed their shoulder with resistance bands?

Has anyone rehabbed their shoulder with resistance bands?

Has anyone rehabbed their shoulder with resistance bands? I will be surprised if you haven’t heard about them. Introducing them into your workout routine help to provide extra resistance. Resistance bands help to strengthen the shoulder and also improve the tone of the rotator cuff muscles. They have two major features; portable nature and variety. Resistance bands are not your typical gym equipment which occupy much space and are relatively fixed. They are lighter and can be transported easily. They also come in different varieties. Resistance bands occur in different resistance levels as well as different colors. It follows that lighter-colored bands provide much lighter resistance. The benefits associated with the use of resistance bands explain the rise in their popularity.

What are Resistance Bands?

They are flat or tubular bands used as fitness tools for developing mobility, strength, and stability. Their use in exercise routines began in the 1990s. Originally made from surgical tubing, resistance bands are used as supports in heavyweights exercises. They also provide the same effectiveness as exercising with free weights. The different variants of resistance make it possible to use the right resistance requirement for an exercise. Resistance bands maintain tension during workouts. The added resistance that they provide makes the routine more challenging. Resistance bands are used essentially for rehabilitation. They are majorly used to restore mobility, flexibility, and functional strength of muscle groups post-injury.

How Do Resistance Bands Work?

Resistance bands work by introducing additional resistance, which correlates to the difficulty level of the exercise. The extra resistance is provided without the use of additional weight. In an exercise, the resistance force provided by the resistance band is counterbalanced by the force of your body weight which is the opposing force. Therefore when fitted in place, you are able to either push or pull against resistance. This way, you build up flexibility and strength without stressing the joints. The elastic nature of the bands allows you to focus and improve specific body parts. Therefore isolated muscle groups can be exercised without the risk of further injury. Blood supply is also improved. In a nutshell, resistance bands hasten the rehabilitation process.

Benefits of Resistance Bands

The alternate stretch of the resistance bands and muscle contraction help to improve tone. The tension created by the stretched band initiates muscle contraction. More stretch, more resistance, and the tougher the exercise becomes. In the long run, your endurance builds up. Resistance bands provide resistance independent of the force of gravity. This means all movements pertaining to an exercise can be performed. Regardless of your age and level of fitness, resistance bands are highly effective. Using resistance bands, many workout routines can be done while seated.

Final Word

Has anyone rehabbed their shoulder with resistance bands? Resistance bands are the most effective and highly recommended rehabilitation aid. Unlike weights, they exert no pressure on your joints. They restore muscle tone and functional strength. A return to full fitness post-injury occurs much faster using resistance bands.

No Room For Bulky Gym Equipment – Use Exercise Stretch Bands Instead

Photo by Angela Roma from Pexels – Women Using Exercise Stretch Bands

An exercise stretch band is a medium between lifting weights and stretching. These are perfect for those whom don’t have the space or budget for gym equipment at home. Consider using these to make the most of every workout.

Why Use Exercise Stretch Bands

Explained in simple terms, you will get a much better workout after using them. You could stretch as you normally would, but this won’t have the same impact as using a stretch band. The bands place tension on your muscle, while stretching the muscle at the same time.

Stretch bands are a part of a whole body workout, especially if you are exercising at home. Here are some suggestions for using exercise stretch bands based on the targeted muscle group.

1. Legs and Hamstrings

Legs and hamstrings can benefit from stretching by resistance stretch bands. The typical exercises using stretch bands are where people walk with the band attached to their feet, or squat with the bands wrapped around their knees. Either exercise is able to promote the extension of the leg and hamstring muscles.

2. Arms and Upper Body

Resistance bands are also perfect for upper body exercises. Just hold each end of the resistance band in your hand, and open and close your arms in a butterfly motion. This will put a little bit of additional pressure on your biceps, allowing you to stretch this muscle group out further.

3. Whole Body

Resistance bands can also be used as a great whole body exercise. Just loop the bands around a steady object, hold on to each end of the band, and twist your torso while using the resistance bands to support your weight. This is a great “whole body” workout.

Resistance bands are a great item to have because they are portable, easy to use, and affordable. They are also fantastic because they allow you to be able to get more exercise than you would be able to without using similar equipment.