Is Drinking Water Before Exercise Good?

is drinking water before exercise good

Is drinking water before exercise a good idea is always going to be true for anyone. While drinking a heavy amount of water can make you feel very uncomfortable, your body still needs it.

Remember that 70% of your body is water. It’s easy to see the benefits of staying properly hydrated. Hydration affects your overall energy level and state of mind. Exercise makes you lose water through sweat. This means your body has less water to stay healthy.

Being dehydrated can make you feel very tired. If you routinely feel very tired throughout the day, not being properly hydrated can be the reason. Dehydration also has many other negative effects such as headaches and lower blood pressure.

Why Is Drinking Water Before Exercise Good?

The recommendation of the American Council on Exercise is that you drink 17 to 20 ounces of water 2 hours before you begin. A typical water bottle holds 16.9 ounces, so to approximate you should drink the equivalent of a single water bottle 2 hours before you begin. Drinking water before exercise gives your body enough time to absorb the water before you begin your routine

Sports Drinks – Not OK

The ads for sports drinks make these very appealing. However, it’s a much better idea to drink water instead of these sugary substitutes. Water does not include the added sugars that sports drinks include. Water also is easier for your stomach to handle.

Better hydration results in easier workouts. You’ll be more empowered to focus on your exercise routine over feeling exhausted. When you get the right amount of water, you’ll feel more energized and motivated to get exercise the next time you go to the gym instead of feeling sluggish immediately afterward.

Drinking water throughout the day also improves your overall hydration level. This can have a huge impact on your mood and overall well-being. With more water consumption, you might find more success in other areas of life because of the added health benefits.
