walking as exercise

Should I walk instead of Driving? Comparing costs

should i walk instead of driving

Are you looking for creative ways to get exercise? There are plenty of great reasons why you should walk instead of driving as this is a much better form of transportation.

Gas is very expensive right now. Walking to places which you would normally drive to is a great way to save money and get exercise at the same time.

Walking 30 Minutes A Day Burns Calories

Walking for just 30 minutes at a regular 3.5 mile per hour pace can help you burn 133 calories. If you can increase the speed you walk at, the amount of calories that you burn will also increase. This calorie burn number also varies with weight, and increases in people with higher weights.

The True Costs of Driving

If you drive the same distance in an average car which burns 25 miles per gallon, you can expect to spend approximately $0.35.

This may sound affordable, but the reality is that shorter trips tend to burn more gas by stopping and starting your engine. You’re also adding to carbon emissions by not walking as your vehicle will put out additional CO2. Last but not least, you’re damaging your health each time you choose a sedentary activity.

Last but not least, walking is great for your mood. It gives you an opportunity to spend time outdoors in nature. You’ll feel the sun’s light, see the green grass and blue skies on a nice day. You’ll notice things that you would not normally see if you were driving your vehicle. Walking is also fairly meditative, so you will also gain access to higher levels of creativity while doing so.

Travelling from place to place also won’t be as stressful as you will not have to deal with traffic. Walking can be good for the planet, your pocketbook and you at the same time. If you are considering if you should walk instead of driving, just walk.