home exercise

How to stretch your neck, shoulders, and hips after a long day of sitting

stretch your neck shoulders and hips after a long day of sitting

Sitting takes a toll on your body. The easiest way to counteract the negative effects of sitting is by stretching your neck, shoulders, and hips after a long day of sitting. Stretching improves flexibility and is an easy and quick way to improve your overall health. People who sit for long periods are at a greater risk for blood clots and chronic pain. If you work from a desk environment, many stretches can be done while sitting or working. Here are a few examples of stretches that you can do daily to improve your overall health and wellness.


Don’t forget to periodically stand up throughout your day. Some individuals prefer standing desks. While this may not offer a substantial benefit in terms of calories burned, standing up throughout your day can mean that there are slightly more calories burned throughout your day when comparing the option of sitting down. Standing is a great way to reduce your risk of developing blood clots in your legs!


Lunges are a quick, simple way of being able to stretch your legs and lower body. Simply place one leg on the floor, and extend the other leg forward at a 90-degree angle. This exercise will allow you to gain additional mobility in your hamstring muscles. Experiment with the amount of time that you hold this position for – consider holding this position for 30 to 60 seconds initially, and gradually increase the period of time. Once you have completed this exercise for one leg, be sure to repeat it for the other leg.

Neck Stretches

Long periods of sitting create additional pressure on your spinal cord. As you may know, sitting for long periods can also lead to a stiff neck. Begin by relaxing your left shoulder. Tilt your head toward your left shoulder, and hold this position for approximately 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat this exercise for your other shoulder. This is a quick shoulder exercise that will reduce the inflammation around your shoulder muscles.


This is not technically a stretch, however, these can have major benefits which are similar to stretching. Pushups are a great exercise for the upper body. This exercise is also a great way to improve your posture, and burn calories. These exercises are a great way to stabilize your back muscles and protect yourself from injury. They help to build your arm muscles and burn calories at the same time. Pushups are also easy to measure! Challenge yourself to do more pushups than the previous day to make it more fun. 

Hand Stretches

This is the most often neglected muscle group in our bodies! Hands are useful for everything! We often forget that our hands have muscles as well, and are also prone to stress injuries. Periodically make a fist and hold it for 20-30 seconds. Making a fist can help with stretching the finger muscles to avoid hand injuries. 

Sitting for a long period can result in several health risks. That’s why movement and exercise are important for your overall health. It’s very easy to add movement to your day-to-day routine, even if your daily routine involves sitting for long periods. Be creative, but be safe and find new ways to move your body throughout the day. This will help you avoid injuries and possible negative long-term health effects.

Sit-Ups Harmful For Your Back – Don’t Waste Your Time With Sit-Ups

sit-ups harmful for your back
Sit-ups are harmful for your spinal cocrd
Sit-ups are harmful for your spinal cord.

Let’s face it: Sit-ups are harmful instead of helpful. One of the most common misconceptions about home exercise that people hold is that Sit-Ups help them gain abdominal strength.

However, this is not entirely true. Many bodies of research have concluded that sit-ups are not beneficial for your core strength and overall health.

Sit-Ups Do Provide Core Strength

Sit-ups are able to strengthen your body’s core. However, they do not provide any additional benefits to any other muscle groups. As you do more of these, what is likely to happen is that you’ll develop a lot of unbalanced muscle mass.

Harmful For Your Back

Aside from being unbalanced, sit-ups can also be harmful for your back. You’re placing a lot of repetitive motion on your spinal cord as you perform these. You’re putting a lot of pressure on your back as you continually press your spinal cord up against a hard, flat surface. Over time, your back will possibly begin to hurt as you

Try Planking or Stretching

Instead of the repetitive motion which comes with performing a lot of sit-ups, consider planking exercises instead. These are designed to use more of your body’s muscle groups, providing a more widely distributed core strength. Aside from that, you’re also not putting a lot of repetitive strain on your back. This means, that in the long run, your body will thank you with less aches and pains.

Even The Military Is Switching

As part of their physical fitness standards, the US Marine Corps is well-known for using sit-ups to assess their personnel. Acknowledging the risk of injury, they have made the decision to replace these sit-ups with planks. The reason is that they see the increased amount of hip flexor muscle strain which is required for the sit-ups to be performed successfully.